Summer Quiche

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One of the best feelings is waking up in the morning and knowing breakfast is already taken care of. That’s one of the many reasons I love to make quiche.

Pick up the 2-pack pie crusts in the refrigerated aisle at the grocery store and you’ll have breakfast for all week (maybe longer if you’re a single person). I almost always make them two at a time — one for that morning and the other for the week. If you’re worried it’ll go to waste, you can always freeze the second one. The recipe below will only make a single quiche, but feel free to double the ingredients and get the most out of those two pie crusts.

Similar to omelets, pizza, or stir fry, it’s a dish that’s great for getting rid of leftover ingredients, especially produce. You can put as little or as much as you want into a quiche.

I don’t mean to take the glamour out of quiche. There’s satisfaction in making one with a carefully curated flavor profile. It’s a fun dish to experiment with and try out different combinations of meats, veggies, cheeses, and seasonings.

The reason I compare quiche to stir fry is to remove the layer of intimidation it brings. I think most people avoid making quiche because it sounds like it’s difficult to make. Personally, I think they’re easier to make than pancakes. All you need are eggs, cream, seasoning, a pie crust, and an ingredient or two — and you don’t have to slave over the stove! Just “set it and forget it.”

A fun twist is to use sour cream instead of heavy cream, which can make a really fluffy quiche!

Please let me know if you use this recipe and how I can improve! Enjoy!




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