Italian Stuffed Peppers

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Stuffed peppers are such a fun and simple meal. Nearly every cuisine has their own twist on a stuffed pepper; with ingredients unique to their culture. That’s one reason why I enjoy them so much — they have incredible versatility. Each time you go to make this recipe, you can make a small or big change; use a different type of pepper, borrow from a new combination of flavors, or do both!

Another thing I love about this recipe is that it’s very easy to make. Anyone with basic cooking skills/knowledge can make them. There’s not a lot at stake either; worst case scenario, you have peppers that are a little mushy or fall apart.

My mom made these for my family when I was growing up, so they are nostalgic by nature. I now make them for my husband and son. While my recipe is not hers, I know how to make these because of her. This is my first-ever written recipe, so if you decide to use it, please let me what you think! I am mostly hoping to hear if the instructions are easy to follow or lack any important directions I forgot to mention.

I don’t give a lot of instruction on seasoning, because I never measure seasoning. I always improvise! I do, however, tell you what seasonings I use. I truly believe seasoning should not be measured and is something you should learn how to measure with your heart (and eyes). I do think measurements can be helpful for proportion — especially if you are a beginner cook or are unfamiliar with the recipe — so if anyone requests I add those, I can make an edit later or do that for future recipes.

I hope that you will enjoy this recipe, whether you make it for yourself, your family, or friends. If you do, please take a picture and share it and tag me @bavardeavantgarde! :)


Summer Quiche